Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dynasty Warriors 6 for PC full version

Platform: Xbox 360 - Genre: Action
Developer: KOEI
parameters nè
Minimum System Requirements
* Minimum: Pentium 4 1.6GHz, Windows XP / Vista, 512MB, 5GB or more of free space
* 640 × 480 High Color enabled,
* 3D Accelerator with Hardware T & L and Pixel Shading Supporting 128MB of VRAM or more
* DirectX 9.0c +, DirectX 9.0c + compliant
* 16-bit stereo with 44KHz playback supported by Windows XP / Vista

System Requirements
* Intel Core2Duo 2.4GHz
* Windows XP / Vista
* 512MB, 5GB or more of free space
* 1280 × 720 True Color enabled
* 16:9, 3D Accelerator with Hardware T & L and Pixel Shading Supporting 128MB of VRAM or more
* DirectX 9.0c +, DirectX 9.0c +, DirectX 9.0c + compliant
* 16-bit stereo with 44KHz playback supported by Windows XP / Vista
* DirectX 9.0 compatible
* 12-button gamepad

Unlike the separate versions of Dynasty Warriors game series ever developed exclusively for Xbox 360, this is the first version was designed and developed for both Next-Gen platforms today is the most hit PS3 and Xbox 360. Based on the strength of the system processor machine this powerful next-gen game that has many improvements and changes in the match. Typically the number of enemies appear in one area can be increased more than 4 or 5 times higher than the old version, creating the effect of winter is quite practical. But with the number of enemies crowded that we had seen on the screen, the developer also claims the figure could rise a few more times when the game officially released on the market.
Many other changes came from the characters in the game, such as wind and recommended two of the recommended Fire Damage in this direction is replaced by bow and arrow. Images of the characters have been changed again, more beautiful and highly detailed real expressions on the faces better. One of the other attractions are the stunning cut filter and imposing, except in the technical construction with a 3D movie, the majority of in-game cutscenes are done with the game environment and characters available in the game. The movement of the characters are meticulously designed and implemented by the simulation program special moves in real life. It showed impressive power of graphical techniques in the Dynasty Warriors VI.
Graphics led to the changes required to change the game play well for the match. What boring and old techniques in previous versions of Dynasty Warriors has been improved in this VI. Typically, the test development powerful combo in the old version of Dynasty Warriors are limited to a small number of tactics and only done in a tight orbit, if not only can hit combo on a straight line. Dynasty Warriors VI, in which you can coordinate the different positions of the beam to form a character his own combo. Thus the number of combo is great for combining diverse abilities. So combined with the new combo system is the improvement of the system "air rage" in the game, you can absorb this energy by keeping the O button on the handle PS3 (or B button on the handle Xbox 360 ), then released and combined with his combo to form a strong attack many times a normal combo.

In addition, each type of "air rage" works and how to collect different is it when a strong attack, then later collected and vice versa. Also if not combined with it when the combo, you can use them as a reaction accelerator system instantly, can help you quickly close the enemy with a horrendous speed. Before combat you can also pick a horse to follow as your companion and phase come together to battle, if you complete the game screen with your horse, it also receives experience points and level up , thereby adding features such as faster speed.
One other important change of Dynasty Warriors 6 is the game screen no longer follow a certain order that more fully open to gamers. You can easily select a screen play his favorite games and then broke, do not need to undergo in order to display the sort of game developers. Also the characters are provided with more new features such as yourself can destroy the gate, swim across the river and moat, climbing up the towers, walls. This made for a warrior in the Dynasty Warriors 6 has the ability to secretly raid the enemy camp, infiltrated the area in particular that certain older versions can not do it.

From the point of openly about the new game of the series, the developers have removed the transfer included in the game lets players select and place the most appropriate time to attack the enemy or retreat in silence . What an exciting change of series that is sure that will be retained and developed in the later version of Dynasty Warriors. It is too early to conclude the change of the Dynasty Warriors VI is really a success for the popular game or not, but certainly one thing that it will bring a new wind is full of air to the genre "action" taking the subject this means Three Kingdoms.

Download Here!

password : indowebster4ever

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Al Quran Scanned Mushaf Ustmani di Komputer

Al Quran Scanned Mushaf Ustmani merupakan mushaf Al-Qur'an yang sangat bagus untuk di baca dikomputer anda, karena Al Quran Scanned Mushaf Ustmani sudah dilengkapi dengan tajwid nya. So bagi anda yang sudah bisa membaca al qur'an atau yang bacaan Qur'an nya masih belum lancar Al Quran Scanned Mushaf Ustmani sangat cocok buat anda. Baca Al-Qur'an di komputer atau Laptop jadi semakin mudah dan bisa dibawa kemana-mana.

How-to :
1. download file Mushaf Utsmani.djvu & Mushaf Utsmani.bookmarks (Al Quran Digital.rar [187.3 MB]).
2. extract file rar passwd: erwin.arief
3. install djvu viewer/ editor (lihat dibawah untuk detilnya)
4. Import bookmarks
5. Silahkan dinikmati. Semoga dengannya Allah mudahkan kita membaca Al Qur'an dimana saja.

Download Al Quran Scanned Mushaf Ustmani

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

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